
Morpheus 5.2: P2P Podcatcher

The latest version of the free Morpheus P2P client is tailored to podcast listeners, including one-click subscriptions, subscription management, search and directory, and iTunes integration. Frank Ahrens in the Washington Post gets why this is multilevel-smart: "Adding podcasts means more users, and more users means more ad revenue on the free version of its software. Also, perhaps more importantly: fewer copyright problems. Though podcasts are copyrighted like all music and movies generated by labels and studios, most amateur podcastsers do not forbid distribution of their work." (Emphasis added; and see.)

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Extended Customer Service

The lady who was our doula has never since failed to send a Mother's Day note, how about that?

May all the moms out there enjoy days likewise filled with pleasant unexpectednesses.


Pod Fod

Wired has a super online video guide in its May/14.05 issue: Watch This Way. Looking forward in particular to checking out:


Hold The Mustard

Fashion Island with Mustard

An ocean of mustard appeared last week.


Linkin' Blawgs

Blawg Review #56: Sex, Virtual Weddings, and Baseball. (Need I say more?)

Justice Bedsworth on divorce in California — Still Another Modest Proposal — is not to be missed.

"I sometimes snap pictures of strangers and post them on my blog and Flickr. Could I get into legal trouble for violating their privacy?" Clive Thompson gives his answer in Wired 14.05.

And finally, if you're not already wearing enough of it on a regular basis, the good folks at Demeter (who understand the concept of variety like few do) will help you smell like Play-Doh.

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