
Today's New Blawg

Wow, just discovered CopyCense (via Genie Tyburski). Comprehensive and good, definitely blawgrolling that one.


Bill Murray On The Bag And Baggage Podcast

Back in September, Bill Murray (senior fellow with the USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future, former Co-Chief Operating Officer of the Motion Picture Association, and principal of William Murray & Associates) was on the panel I moderated for the ABTL's program on the MGM v. Grokster decision. I thought Bill had a unique perspective and interesting insights, and was eager to pick up the threads from our talk in a subsequent podcast. He kindly agreed, and the show is now available as The Bag and Baggage Podcast, #16.


Unintended Consequences Indeed

Better Bad News (0:46-0:50): "That Grokster decision is causing trouble for weapons manufacturers." Heh.


I Second That Full Motion

I agree with Neil Squillante about the key role mobile video will come to play in our lives. I'm looking forward to making his grandma's Eggplant Fritatta (M4V) too. Neil: give us a feed (no pun intended) and keep this stuff coming! (Hint to all aspiring portable videogogs: if it doesn't have a feed, the odds of it making it to my iPod are slim to none...)


Common New Year

Just read the great news that Creative Commons exceeded its '05 fundraising goal: "Current status: $344,887.00 donated; Goal: $225,000 by Dec 31, 2005"