
Do I Hear 100 Million? (They May Hear You.)

I had a great time at the Portable Media Expo, and hope to post more on that soon. In the meantime, it seems only appropriate to point to the MacDailyNews summary of the Bridge Ratings study presented at the Expo. It explains:

By 2010 podcast audience growth is expected to reach a conservative 45 million users who will have ever listened to a podcast. Aggressive estimates place this number closer to 75 million by this date.

The study shows that currently approximately 20% of users who have ever downloaded and listened to a podcast do so on a weekly basis. This group downloads an average of six podcasts per week and spends approximately four hours a month listening to the podcasts they download.

(It's a little disconcerting to recognize yourself so clearly in a study like this, but that's me baby, Ms. 20%. Though I think with my commute I listen to much more than 4 hours a month. More like 4 hours a week.)


Colette On The Music In Podcasts Panel

Colette Vogele is over at the Portable Media Expo today, and has this report from the Music In Podcasts panel. Tomorrow at 3:15 she'll join me, Ernest Miller, and, if Skype cooperates, Bret Fausett, on the panel discussing Podcasting and the Law.


It's Come To This


Andrew Review

Andrew Raff hosts Blawg Review this week, and offers a phenomenal collection of links and clever asides.


Sound Up

A new Sound Policy episode is available at IT Conversations. It's the audio from our panel about MGM v. Grokster at U.C. Berkeley, featuring Hank Barry, Pamela Samuelson, and me, and moderated by Greg Beattie.

Also, what a nice surprise to see that the O'Reilly IT Conversations Pick of the Week is Sound Policy's inaugural show, about Google's AutoLink.