
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Legislator

Wired News on today's senate hearing: "Anyone who thought the Supreme Court's Grokster decision would get Congress off the peer-to-peer industry's back might want to think again."


Grokster Hearing Tomorrow

The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation will have a full committee hearing tomorrow (2:30 p.m. EDT; it will be webcast) on "Issues related to MGM v. Grokster," including "the appropriate balance between copyright protection and communications technology innovation."


Just More Caffeinated

BusinessWeek Online, Geekdom's New Clearinghouse: "ITC and its offshoots may just turn out to be the C-SPAN of the tech world."


The Unimagined

Don't be surprised when your first child puts you in all kinds of situations you never thought possible before he or she came along. Just two:

  • It's not inconceivable that your toddler will have his or her very own hair care products. Or that, stranger still, you'll find yourself converting to them for efficiency's sake.

  • It's not inconceivable that when your mother-in-law — who routinely asks such questions — inquires whether this (this being motherhood) makes you feel complete, without batting a dark-circled eyelash you'll respond it mostly makes you tired all the time.



I've got to hand it to Tony Perkins and his team at AlwaysOn, this conference was a hit (despite a bit of a weird start). Last year was good, this year positively grooved. If Gnomedex is Woodstock for geeks, this is the Playboy Jazz Festival's NorCal roadshow. Steve Gillmor nails it, and you can add passes and tables for press and bloggers alike, hiccup-less WiFi, and provocative programming to the list of things well done. Definitely take advantage of the archived video and chat (too bad the two aren't synched when they're re-played, some of the chat will make no sense if you can't tell what it's reacting to; something to work on for next year perhaps). Anyway, thanks to all for an intriguing good time!

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