

Rick Klau thinks a different conference song might be in order. That one certainly would have been fun to belt out this morning, and he's right; as I look around the crowd is maybe 5%(?) female. If anything, less.

Robert Scoble says this is the first conference he's been to "where almost every single attendee is using a computer."

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News Making

Do check out the video and photos from Gnomedex available through NowPublic. And marvel at its Stephensonian vision.

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Plethora O' Plawdcasts

The Legal Talk Network has a slew of law related audio, and a smorgasbord-style RSS 2.0 feed (as well as show-specific feeds on the way, I'm told by co-founder Scott Hess).


Oh, That's What That Infernal Cracking Sound Is

Bruce MacEwen wonders whether you "hear the same intimations of the exhaustion of top-down, muscle-bound, user-hostile Big IT" that he does.


Dean Hachamovitch at Gnomedex

Highlights from Dean Hachamovitch "keystone" at Gnomedex:

This is the first public look at IE7 (which folks are excited about), but that's not the point. The point is how IE7 will incorporate RSS to allow users to do really rich things with RSS enabled content. Not just blogs and news, not just audio and video files, but any file type. RSS is file agnostic. Demos of photos and commentary, calendar entries. Microsoft has also added a namespace extension to RSS that lets publishers mark a feed as a list. RSS now understands a much broader set of data. Gives example of Amazon wish lists. Allows the addition of all sorts of interesting metadata (in wish list ex., price, customer reviews, etc.) Allows the users to program their user experience; sort by categories (still on wish list example: sort by dvd, books, music, date added, price, sales rank, reviews). This is all manipulating the data included in the list.

(Bag and Baggage podcast listeners: remember the 'cast I did rambling about RSS everywhere? This sounds like it is poised to usher in that era.)

Microsoft's Simple List Extensions spec is Creative Commons licensed (Attribution/Share Alike). Shows video clip of Professor Lessig welcoming Microsoft to this form of free licensing. This is the same license that applies to RSS 2.0.

More, and the ongoing discussion, at the IE blog. Channel9's wiki will be the community process for working on the spec.

Bob Wyman and Keith Teare and Marc Canter and Steve Rubel (who sees this as "embrace and extend lite;" "we're now living under Jedi rule") and a great many others all had interesting follow up questions, I recommend the audio (that's the feed again, I'd look there for the earliest posted recordings) to take them in.

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