
Interesting Reflex

So, I'm writing a brief and using FindLaw to look up California cases (complete with pagination tied to the official reports) for free. (A truly indispensable resource.) The case I'm reading is on point (and yes, I'd already KeyCited it), and I begin to include it in my brief. Without another thought, I'm copying the URI from the browser's address bar then jumping back to the brief and typing <a href=...

*Sigh.* Someday.


Random Tuesday Thoughts And Musings

  • I wish we could tag legal decisions. Or better yet, specific parts of them.

  • Who knew you could borrow DVDs from the public library? (The L.A. Times reports today on how this is impacting the rental business. And hey, the L.A. Times site got a face lift.)

  • Big, cruisin', comfy bicycles with fat tires, oodles of gears, and a baby seat are most excellent toddler transport. Especially if you live in an area with decent bike trail coverage. This is not something that occurred to me as far as baby gear "must haves" go until quite recently, but I'm totally hooked.

  • I wonder if any of the recently enacted spam legislation (hey, thanks for the nice site, Professor Sorkin!) could be read to cover comment and/or link spam.


Flat Upside Down

My brain is spinning because my father, who calls USB "the little trident thingy" but reads everything Tom Friedman writes, just called me up extolling the virtues of Apache, open source, and wikis. "Do you know the name of the founder of Wikipedia?" he challenged, from his staticky cell phone connection. "We're breaking up," I told him, so I could go download the book. Here's Doc's take.


Asked And Answered

MIT's Technology Review, June '05: "Who Will Own Ideas?"

BoingBoing: "Star Wars III online, all studio countermeasures futile, Lucas still rich."


2005.05.19 Show Notes

Long podcast, short show notes, regarding new technologies and an old profession, and what happened next on Tuesday.

2005.05.19 (MP3, 12.1MB); select a quote[quoteplay player]

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