
Belly Up To The Bar Exam

Pugnatrix is documenting her battle with the bar exam, that little quiz designed to give its takers "hives, making them sexually unattractive and therefore less likely to pick up a rich mate who'll pay off the educational loans." Thank goodness for public schools.

By the way, I'm a little late in linking to Belly Up to the Bar V. [Via Kevin Heller]


Yentally Unbalanced

Tim Hadley: Wanted: well-managed small to mid-sized law firm. [Via Dennis Kennedy]

Powers Phillips (a small firm with a sense of humor that happens to be in Tim's neighborhood): Somewhere out there is a wacko, self-reliant Denver lawyer.

I've read Tim for a long time now, and "wacko" isn't the first adjective that comes to mind, but how do you not seize the chance to explore opportunities with the Bitches From Hell? (I think you'll both find my headhunter fee to be refreshingly reasonable.)


Smearily We Roll Along

Gary Kendra's second podcast provides a nice overview of defamation law and related privacy claims in the Internet context.


Good Question

Dave Winer, "$288 buys you what?" This really could (should?) be a lot simpler. Though the experimental ASCAP podcast-ready license is a welcome attempt to recognize and address new technological developments, the music royalty scheme could not be more confusing to the average person. It confuses me, and I'm a lawyer (albeit a blonde-ish litigator). Note the disconnect between the ASCAP FAQ for the new licenses and the actual frequently asked questions, a good cross section of which appear in the comments to Dave's post. Bret Fausett, if you have the time a more comprehensive follow-up would be super.


Dr. Emmett Brown As Professor Lawrence Lessig

Stamford, CT, Stanford, CA — coincidence? "Professor Lessig, portrayed by Christopher Lloyd, is in tonight's episode of The West Wing." (On his blog, the good professor gets graphic.)