
Today's New Blawg is "a Web magazine sponsored by the Manhattan Institute that brings together information and opinion on the U.S. litigation system." (Link, and I couldn't help it, a capital "W," added.) It's edited by the astute Walter Olson, and has some whip-smart contributors too. (How about some women on that masthead, fellas?)


Need It, Need It So Bad

I'm on record in the ABA Journal this month, copping to my utter dependence on Google to help me get things done professionally: In Google We Trust. I suppose I should have clarified that if someone is able to field a worthy competitor, I'm certainly not the closed-minded type. The article is an interesting one, despite my inclusion, for at least two reasons:

  1. It highlights the growing role of the Internet in the judicial decision-making process.

  2. It also quotes Tom Mighell.


Trusted Computing Panel Prep

Below are some of the things I'm looking over in connection with speaking later this month at Digital ID World on the Trusted Computing panel (Oct. 27, 5-6 p.m.), featuring Peter Biddle (MSFT) and Lark Allen (Wave Systems), and moderated by Dan Gillmor:

More? Please chime in.


Supreme Doings

As expected, the MPAA has petitioned for certiorari in the Grokster case. It's worth pointing again to Professor Tim Wu's post on why he thinks cert will be granted, and C.E. Petit's dissenting view.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced its refusal to grant the RIAA's petition for cert in the Verizon litigation concerning the ability of ISPs to protect the identities of alleged file swappers.


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