
Didn't They Used To Do Lincoln?

Former Baywatch babe Carmen Electra has an A&E Biography. Among other assets, of course.


This Just In From The FCC

The FCC ruled today that TiVo will be permitted to go ahead with its plans to allow users to send recorded shows over the Internet. Declan McCullagh has more: "The FCC said at its meeting Wednesday that TiVo's security system will be 'appropriate for use' when receiving digital TV signals broadcast over the airwaves." (Note Politech is now a blog.) So does TiVo: "The FCC determined that digital broadcast television content should be protected, but that protection should still enable it to be accessed over the Internet so long as that access does not lead to mass indiscriminate redistribution of programs over the Internet." Guess it never hurts to have fans in high places!


IP Opportunity At Proyecto ACCESO

Proyecto ACCESO (English version) "strive[s] to create innovative and entertaining programs to increase access to justice and build confidence in the legal institutions of the Western Hemisphere," primarily by training legal professionals in Latin America. Additionally, as I learned recently from James Cooper, the project's Director and an Assistant Dean at California Western School of Law, Proyecto ACCESO has a new initiative focused on intellectual property:

Training for Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Enforcement

As you may know, the streets of the world are filled with vendors selling pirated copies of books, compact discs, DVDs and clothing. What many people have recently come to learn, however, is that the money gleaned from this theft often finance terrorist groups such as Hezbollah. To be sure, the devastating effects of intellectual property rights violations have not gone unrecognized nor has Chile's high potential for legitimate electronic commerce within its export and service-orientated economy.


Asst. Dean Cooper is looking for instructors to assist with the project's IP initiative, and emails,

Proyecto ACCESO, a not for profit legal skills training program that trains judges, prosecutors and defenders around Latin America, is looking for Spanish-speaking instructors with experience in prosecution and investigation of Intellectual Property rights crimes. A specialized training program in Chile is being developed and ACCESO is searching for instructors to join its interdisciplinary team. ... If you are interested in learning more, please email James Cooper ... at


Today's New Blawg: Justice Gilbert!

Justice Arthur Gilbert of the California Court of Appeal (Second District, Division 6) writes a wonderful column for the Los Angeles Daily Journal, "to a confused but devoted readership." It is our great good fortune (particularly because none of the Daily Journal's content is freely accessible online) that Justice Gilbert now has a blog, Gilbert Submits, comprised of "selected columns from the more than 140 that have appeared in past editions of the Daily Journal." Enjoy, and let's see if we can do something about Justice Gilbert's lament, "I have gotten some hits, but no home runs."


Clueless Summer has come out with its Best of the Web for Summer 2004, featuring "over 3,700 sites . . . each rated according to five criteria: Content, Design, Speed, Navigation and Customization." The Technology News section includes the second coming of The Industry Standard, all well and good. From there though, things get wacky:

BEST: The revival of a formerly-highflying brand says comforting things about the state of the economy.

WORST: The site lets you subscribe to RSS feeds, a complicated, XML-related way of reading news which doesn't serve much purpose here.

[Emphasis added.] This seems destined to join Harry M. Warner — on talkies: "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" — and others on pages like these dedicated to history's technological visionaries, insert air quotes here.

Spotted via The Standard's Trackback Blog — the first time I've seen someone annotate their trackbacks, which strikes me as visionary sans quotes. (Really. And not just because I've agreed to Guest Blog there soon, something I'm trying pretty hard but unsuccessfully to be blasé about.)