
The "C" Factor (Revisited)

Says here, DickCheneyIsABitch. That's not all: the leader of the free world apparently is a Post Turtle, and, in like manner, JohnKerryIsADouchebagButImVotingForHimAnyway (don't miss Instances of Doucheitude and Why it Doesn't Matter).


The "G" Factor

Posts about Gmail are being aggregated at Gmail – best links.

There are 23 members and 64 posts so far at Gmail Forums.


The "T" Factor

Shady Character

The Little Scammer

So, you begin to appreciate how whenever I leave Tyler alone with the computer, I come back to find him sneaking peeks at Cameron and Leta, and sending "Back off!" emails to those Lessig and Kos kids...


The "C" Factor

The Today Show reported on Generation C (for "Content") this morning. Of course, Jeff Jarvis and JD Lasica had this early last month, and credited the source: Trendwatching.


Loving These

Wild Republic's Audubon Birds with authentic sounds. There's a good selection at Bugs and Stuff. (The nursery: it's a jungle in there.)

Random brilliant ideas spawned from emails and comments with Kevin Heller:

  • MESOTHELIOMA@home: harnesses the world's idle CPU cycles to click on lawyers' paid search ads, costing them some $100 a pop. (With apologies to SETI@home, John Battelle, and anyone suffering from this tragic ailment.)

  • Mandatory warning label: "Caution: Objects In Aggregator Are Less Cool Than They Appear." (Context.)