
The Short Arm Of The Law

In case you, like me, have been living under a rock, don't miss Irish blogger Gavin Sheridan and his crash course in Internet/international jurisdiction law — which he passed impressively, with a little help (and more help) from the blogosphere. Here's Glenn Reynolds on the matter: "Does this mean that it's always a mistake to send lawyers after bloggers? I suppose not. But I have to say that so far that's how it looks." Jeff Jarvis throws an apt turn of Shakespearian phrase on the fire, and renews his call for a blogger legal aid society. I for one wish John Maltbie were still blogging. This area of the law, particularly the media/First Amendment aspect, is ripe for regular coverage.


Today's New Blawgs

I've obviously been putting the new blawg sightings on hold, since it's far from a done deal that I'm able to sit down at the computer every day. (I'm snatching blogging like I'm snatching sleep — and with, understandably I hope, somewhat less frequency). My list of newcomers is getting looonnnggg, but here are some particularly worth mentioning.


No Fooling (Reprise)

Jon Healey has a good article in today's Los Angeles Times Business section, headlined File Sharing Ruled Legal In Canada, about yesterday's Federal Court of Canada decision holding that file sharing does not violate Canadian copyright law. The story also discusses by way of contrast pending U.S. legislation (HR 4077, Smith-Berman) that would criminalize the intentional sharing of 1,000 songs or more, with a maximum 3-year sentence. (Q: "So what are you in for?" A: "Some Bon Jovi, a little ZZ-Top...")

Bonus links: Michael Geist of the University of Ottowa and ILN, quoted in the article, now has a kind of blog, plus an RSS feed.


No Fooling

Spotted this silver Rolls in Newport Beach today. No Photoshop.

Erik Heels just reminded me tomorrow is April 1. He has a Parody Law category cocked and ready to aggregate the goofiness.


Different Worlds

My (divorced) parents have alternated visits to their (only) grandchild the last two weekends. My mother, in paradigmatic "back in my day" mode, is amazed such things as jogging strollers even exist. My father just wants to know if anyone equips them with an onboard sound system. (Answer: kinda, yeah: "The new 'Music on the Move' parent tray allows you and your child to enjoy your favorite tunes using any radio, cassette, CD, or MP3 player; speakers, amplifier, and jack are included.")

In other news, I've learned babies are perfectly capable of joining American's AAdvantage program (and probably others). And Doc seems to have lined me up a guest spot on The Sopranos, bless his heart.