
"Can we invent a new commerce that honors the complexity and uniqueness of our lives today?"  

A new discussion group at Fast Company seeks to answer this and related questions, inspired by Shoshana Zuboff and The Support Economy. Via Heath Row, at Fast Company Now. I see that confblogger extraordinaire Heath also is going to be blogging (here and here) SXSW Interactive — sure to be the next best thing to being there.


Bad Night Moon

Although generous friends have provided us with no fewer than ten copies of Goodnight Moon, wouldn't you know it would take a twisted lawyer (IP-Memer Kevin Grierson) to point me in the direction of what I'm sure will (in time) become our little one's favorite bedtime story: The Gashlycrumb Tinies, by Edward Gorey. Already bought four copies, just to start catching up. (Yes Dad, same fellow did the illustrations for MYSTERY!)


And Speaking Of Syndication, Law Marketing...

Here's a nascent, graphically enhanced law blog aggregator, from


Syndication, Law Marketing (Sorry, I'm having catchy title block)

Genie Tyburski spotted's coverage of the proposed RSS/Atom merger. Chris Pirillo, from the article: "If your aggregator supports Atom, it doesn't matter. If it doesn't support Atom, users will choose a different aggregator."

Larry Bodine writes about lawyer weblogs at Immigration Daily: "Marketing Directly To Clients With Weblogs." Quick correction: it's just li'l old me posting here at Bag and Baggage, which is unaffiliated with my practice group or law firm, though I write about both from time to time. In fact, I've been meaning to give a Bag and Baggage welcome to Dennis Maio, who joins Reed Smith's appellate practice from the California Supreme Court; here's the whole scoop.


More Reasons To Meet Seth Stevenson

His fascination with spongemonkeys and roaming gnomes:

These spots are based on a now-common prank, in which you steal your neighbor's lawn gnome, lug it around the world, and mail back photos of the gnome astride far-flung landmarks. Whoever first thought to do this is, in my book, an unparalleled genius (and a genius of my favorite stripe, too: useless genius).

"Roaming Gnome" is one of my favorite names for Tyler as he gets carted around and photographed in various venues. Yesterday, the Sweatiest Place On Earth; next weekend, the Long Beach Outdoor Antique And Collectible Market.