
Acquired Tastes

Stewart Kirkpatrick: "Lord help us, there are even blawgs, lawyers blogs, or – to use a more appropriate term – achingly dull wastes of cyberspace." Yes, well, not all haggis is good either.


Howard Does L.A.

And this while he's sojourning in Florida! There's a very nice profile of Howard Bashman and How Appealing in today's Daily Journal. (As is always the case with DJ articles, while I would dearly love to provide a link the paper does not make its articles available online except by subscription.) This follows just fifteen days after Tyler Cunningham's two Daily Journal articles on legal blogging. Today California; tomorrow—can we make it Tahiti?


Today's New Blawg

Kerry Sipe, online news coordinator for the Virginian-Pilot, is using his laptop and a WiFi connection to blog live from the Washington, D.C., area sniper trial of John Allen Muhammad. [Via Howard Bashman, Ernie Svenson] According to the latest entry, the defense team is up today: "John A. Muhammad's defense attorneys will begin to present their case at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday when court reconvenes after the Veterans Day holiday. At that time, Judge LeRoy Millette will rule on defense motions that the murder and terrorism charges against Muhammad be struck." Poynter's Howard Finberg has a great post, quoting Sipe, on Courtroom Coverage Convergence:

Since there was to be no TV or audio allowed by the court, I felt that real-time online reports would be the next best way to satisfy the intense interest in the trial. I have not seen it done in quite the intensive way I am trying to do it, though I did find one case on the Internet of a television station that did online reports of a trial. [...]

The blog had been up for only a few minutes yesterday when I began to get e-mails about it. I've heard from about a dozen readers who think it's great to get able to get news about the trial while it happens.

Poynter also links to the AP coverage, and its Convergence Chaser blog looks well worth revisiting. Ryan Pitts of the Dead Parrot Society likewise has a good report on "beat blogging."


Digital ID World Audio, Slides

Cory Doctorow: "The Digital Identity World has posted complete audio, in a variety of formats, of all the presentations, along with the slides and so forth. ... Link" Cory says he's pleased how our DRM panel fares in MP3 audio. Only the iPod will tell!


Folding Time

Held in Contempt's Heather:

I always scoffed in my head at those people who swore that they didn't have a spare second in their day when they had a baby, thinking to myself, all babies do is sleep! And eat! And poop! How much time could that take up? HAH! I was on crack, I say. Crack.

24 ½ days and counting...