
Crushing Good Times

The Rock Paper Scissors 2003 International Championships took place over the weekend in Koolhaus, Toronto: "Congratulations Rob Krueger: 2003 Molson Canadian Rock Paper Scissors Champion of the world. ... Check the major networks for coverage. [!] will offer a full breakdown of the matches shortly."

As Howard has already noted, Daily Journal staff writer Tyler Cunningham has two excellent articles on blawging in today's issue. That characterization isn't solely a function of the fact I'm quoted, nicely talked about, etc.; in fact, I bring them up here for three entirely different reasons:

Serendipity, thy name is blawging!


Pic From Today's Associates Meeting

Here we are in the meeting; I'm just wrapping up. Thanks to all who submitted feedback, it's been very helpful!


Today's New Blawg

The members of the MacLean Family Law Group in Vancouver, BC ("We can't protect your heart. But we can protect your rights.") are blogging prolifically about things like "Custody and Access, Spousal Support, Child Support, Division of Property, Common Law and Same Sex, [and] Court Process." [Via the Blawg Ring] Did you know Canada's highest court recently paved the way for the country to become the third in the world to recognize same-sex marriages?


Keep 'Em Coming

Thanks to all who have responded in email and comments to this weekend's open thread on blawging. There's still plenty of time to chime in if you haven't yet done so (my talk is not 'til Noon PST).


Happy Birthday Dear Howard

It's after midnight on the east coast, so unless my phone is lying this means it's already Howard Bashman's birthday in his part of the world.

Sweet Justice

Many Appealing Returns!

[Update] Oops, bad phone! I'm a day early, which just gives you more time to prepare, both for Howard and for Bill Gates.