
Today's New Blawg

Andis Kaulins is a busy man. He's a lecturer at the University of Trier Law School in Germany, and "the Best in the World – Ever" at decipherment of ancient records. I'm also a fan of his photo/bio pages. Andis writes LawPundit ("Law is a Seamless Web"):

Did you know? The father of "markup languages" Charles F. Goldfarb, was a graduate of Harvard Law School. No wonder the web works. The dynamic field of law, always populated by many gifted multi-talented generalists, is a kind of "living" seamless web. It is a web which continues to expand and grow in the internet age on the World Wide Web (WWW). The increasing number of blogs related to law as a discipline are a part of this development. One court is already using a blog to improve its flow of information. See Rory Perry's Weblog.

Welcome, Andis! (Should you ever be passing through southern California, I'm about to embark on some serious closet cleaning and there are some ancient artifacts that could require your attention.)


Waiving The Broadcast Flag

Please see Donna Wentworth, Cory Doctorow, EFF, and Digital Consumer on the broadcast flag proposal currently pending before the FCC. Then see Senator Ernest F. Hollings' request that the FCC act "absent legislation" to implement the broadcast flag. Then see Leo Laporte's comment, "Even Microsoft is against this one." Then do what comes naturally.


Showerhead Triangulation

For diverse perspectives on what sounds like one of the world's most eclectic conferences, check out:


More Googleiciousness

Gary Price has useful Google tips [via Genie Tyburski], and so does PC Magazine [via KERBlog].



Rick Klau is just back from Burlington, VT and has three great posts summing up the experience: "Is it possible that included among those who are underestimating the Dean campaign is... the Dean campaign? :)"