
Lydon Hit Parade

Having downloaded and unzipped, I'm about to have one very happy iPod. (Thanks, Dave!)


The Interview Dance

Over in this post and its comments, Max Power and I have been further discussing my reaction to some of his advice for interviewing law students.


Today's New Blawg

Jeremy Kissel writes Politics & Law:

I have named the weblog Politics & Law because those are the two subjects that will likely be discussed the most here. However, other topical discussions will undoubtedly occur frequently.

Jeremy and his weblog came online last Monday, but he's been hooked on reading blawgs for some time. He certainly picked a good time to begin blogging about his pet subjects.


Another Sneaky Blawg

Just who do these weblogs think they are exactly? While Mad Kane's back was turned, hers was carousing around with USA Today ("Megawatt jokes fly after blackout") and other miscreants like Elaina Newport, Will Durst, Lewis Black and Bill Maher. We're going to have to crack down on those curfews, people!

Note the last link is to Bill Maher's blog, which was born in late July. His show is another season pass on the old TiVo, and his recent special still has me in stitches. It's great to see him serving up daily doses of his icy wit and world view on his blog, and also to learn that transcripts of Real Time are available now on his site.


The Screen Savers Meet The Blawgs

The things this weblog does when I'm not there keeping an eye on it. Yesterday, while I was busy working away on a brief, it snuck out and made an appearance on TechTV's The Screen Savers. Sarah Lane featured Bag and Baggage and the blawg world in general on yesterday's show. Thanks to the wonders of TiVo (and the fact The Screen Savers has top priority Season Pass status on mine), here's how the segment went down:

Sarah: I have a tip for those of you who think blogs are nothing but self-serving, mindless drivel. Yes, I know who you are, you email me all the time. Allow me to introduce you to the "blawg," b-l-a-w-g, that's blawg as in "law blog." All right, yes, this is all about legal blogs, blogs that have very important information as far as the legal system goes, whether it's academic, or, you know, what's going on in, you know, law. [Sarah laughs.] I don't even know what I'm talking about any more.

Patrick: What'd you have for lunch today Sarah?

Sarah: Speed! No, I'm just kidding.

Leo: It's What's For Dinner!

Sarah: One very good one, Bag and Baggage, is a very, very good example. It's run by Denise Howell, she's an intellectual property lawyer. It's very interesting stuff going on, she links to a million different sites. One other very good one is Don't Link To Us! I love this one, it's all about very stupid linking policies, for example, why American Express prohibits you to link to some of their sites.

Leo: Isn't that silly? It's so silly.

Sarah: It's just ridiculous, yes. Lots more going on, great academic researchers also, they're in links at

The Paper Chase gets a good plug in the show notes too.

So there was Bag and Baggage, parading around in next to nothing on the big plasma screen, tongue kissing Don't Link To Us! on national television—for a second there I thought I'd tuned in to the VMAs! (Thanks to the nice folks at TechTV.)