

Long time readers of B&B will recognize this as home truth: I'm a huge fan of the legal and non-legal writing of Justice William W. Bedsworth of the California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division Three. Beds' monthly column has had the honor spot atop the blawgroll here since B&B was just a little train case, even though—alas!— it's not weblog. I've dreamed of a blogging Beds since back in Spring '02, when a Daily Journal article I wrote about weblogs included a "Note to California appellate Justices Bedsworth and Gilbert" that their respective columns, "A Criminal Waste Of Space" and "Under Submission," were "eminently bloggable." Here's Justice Bedsworth, for example, on the Taco Bell-Chiat/Day flap:

But if this verdict is upheld... and Taco Bell decides that for $30.2 million, they oughta get more mileage out of Dinky... and he starts showing up on my screen again... then somebody in the Sixth Circuit is gonna have some 'splaining to do.

Now it appears my dream of a Bedsworth Blawg may come true! Craig Williams (featured as yesterday's newcomer) reports not only that Justice Bedsworth's column is being posted as an adjunct to Craig's weblog, but that Beds is all set up to post to that page—which is a weblog—as often as he likes. Craig is going to bring his powers of gentle persuasion to bear, and to say I wish him every success is putting it mildly. Ok, I'll stop enthusing now and just keep my fingers crossed. If you're excited about this prospect too, please be sure to leave a comment so Craig can show the good Justice some of the ready audience that's out here waiting.


When "Mo" Becomes "Enough!"

Today's Cathy, by Cathy Guisewite: "So anyway, I'm e-mailing the addresses of the phone-cam blog that posts mobile photos from our trip...or you can access our regular digital shots on the site that's doing our online albuming!"


Orange Flavor

In keeping with the Orange County theme around here this weekend, CBS Sunday Morning had this fascinating report, "Pride Of Ownership In China:"

Beijing is one of the world's most crowded urban areas. It is home to 13 million people — most living in communist era housing blocks.

But these days, there is an amazing alternative on the outskirts of the city. A place so American it might have dropped right out of Southern California, which is why it's called Orange County. [...]

And if that's not weird enough, Irvine East is accompanied by Beijing versions of Palm Springs and Park Avenue.


Today's New Blawg

Hugh Hewitt is a well known conservative columnist, author, and broadcast journalist. He's also one of the founders of Hewitt & O'Neil, a firm in Orange County, CA. I have fond memories of Hugh and many of his law colleagues from my first job out of law school, where we worked together at a now long-defunct local firm. Since the beginning of the year Hugh has been writing regular blog entries on his site, and sadly he just lost his father. I wish him well.

Hi Hugh


Monday Will Be A Bunner Day

Howard Bashman: "The Supreme Court of California has announced that on Monday, August 25, 2003 it will issue its decision in DVD Copy Control Assoc. v. Bunner." Here are Alex MacGillvray's impressions of the 5/29/03 oral argument. Mike McKee's report in the Recorder concludes with this from Andrew Bunner: "'This case is more important to other people,' he said, 'than me.'" Google underscores his point.