
Speaking Of Moblawging

Jason Shellen recently posted instructions for using a SprintPCS wireless camera phone with Blogger.


Unpleasant Dreams

David Edelstein has a bang-up (sorry) review in Slate of "Hell's Highway: The True Story of Highway Safety Films," and asks, "When is the benefit of instilling caution worth the price of the nightmares?"


"Open Source Lawyering"

David Maizenberg discusses lawyers and moblogging in this month's Modern Practice from FindLaw:

Modern Practice:

Are there dangers in all this freedom and individuality? Might it lead to a more insecure and less collegial professional environment — a kind of legal free-for-all?


For all intents and purposes, that is the environment we have already. Security in the legal profession disappeared some time ago. Even lawyers ensconced in big firms must be responsible for their individual career and client development in ways that were uncommon fifteen years ago.



The off the cuff comments of Al Roker and (from time to time these days) Willard Scott consistently are the best parts of the Today Show. Here's Uncle Willard this morning on the Plaza in front of Studio 1A, to an American Indian woman visiting New York with her group: "Hey, it's your country. Thanks for letting us keep it."


No Law Enforcement Or IT Recruitment For Me...

Matt Round presents: Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? (Proving again that gray/grey is the most interesting color/colour.)

If you're a Safari user, you can also thank Matt (as I do) for the new CSS that makes B&B once again render properly in that browser.