
Out With The Washski

Genie Tyburski takes on Andrew Orlowski about his accusations that Google must have tanked the PageRank of his "Second Superpower" column. (Kevin Marks had a fine response to the original, supposedly PageRank–hijacked piece.) I might add—with a nod to RB—that while theoretically it could be possible for Google to have an incestuous relationship with bloggers (euphemistically speaking), as I understand it having a "narcissistic" one would be a wash of a different color.



Eeek, I'm still so busy at work! This state of affairs looks to persist until the end of the month or so, at which time we may try to sneak off for a long weekend somewhere. (Pity the hapless server who will have no idea how imminently likely I am to detonate unless he or she comes through with that piña colada now.) I'll do my best to keep hurling links and the occasional text at you in the interim, e.g.:

  • Finally got around to listening to the Fast Company Google article ("How Google Grows...and Grows...and Grows") last night on my way home. Aside from being a great read, it had this bonus bit of information—that Peter Norvig, creator of the dead funny (no pun intended) Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation I so enjoyed when Ernie linked it awhile back, also is Google's "director of search quality, charged with continuously improving people's search results." In other words, a god-like human, I do obeisance in his general direction.

  • It was fun to catch Rael Dornfest last night, Google Hacking on The Screen Savers. His article has some eminently worthwhile tips, and I'm buying the book.


Desktop Blogging

Tech TV suggests w.bloggar (Windows) and Kung-Log (Mac) as applications to run on the desktop to provide a more full-featured blogging interface. These strive to afford more editing flexibility than your blogging tool may offer. They'd also address the occasional "lost post" problem.


Blawg Tide

New to me; new to you?


Nice Kitty

Joseph Menn's All the Rave: The Rise and Fall of Shawn Fanning's Napster will be out this month from Crown Business. The L.A. Times Magazine has a lengthy excerpt.