
Coffee, Toast, And A Mess Of Blawgs Please

  • Wendy Seltzer is the founder of the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, an EFF staff attorney and a Harvard blogger. [via John Palfrey]

  • Verner & Brumley, P.C. is a Texas family law firm that has replaced its newsletter with the Texas Family Law Blawg: "We review all Texas civil appellate opinions and post information on the blawg about those relating to family law.  We do this within 24 to 48 hours after the opinions are released by the courts of appeals.  We also include cases from other jurisdictions and federal law to the extent it affects family law."

  • Big Pink Cookie is a great blog and its authoress is a paralegal. [First spotted via Faith, further enlightenment via LexisONE and Christine.]

  • Bonus links: found the Yahoo Weblog Directory in my referrals; Google's is more taxonomic.


Board Battles Bogus Bid

Bag and Baggage has finally gone to the front foot in its defense against the Momentary Lapses of Dilution hostile takeover bid, claiming yesterday that the bidder's statement did not comply with the Blogshares Act or accepted market practice.

In a statement to the Blogshares Exchange, Chairwoman Denise Howell said: "The board is seeking to ensure that any takeover bid made to Bag and Baggage shareholders is subject to conditions which are clear, certain and legitimate, including that immediate shareholder dividends involve a Ferrari 360 Spider."

The quasi-legal group also has requested the imposition of certain other conditions it believes necessary to ensure compliance with the Blogshares Act.

Among the board's list of gripes is the lack of a requirement remanding MLOD President Gary Turner to the oversight of trained medical professionals, and the absence of protections needed to ensure the proposed takeover has no "material adverse effect on the MLOD peat cartel."

"The Blogshares Act implicitly requires, and market practice has been, that bidders have firm mental lucidity in place before announcing a bid, yet the MLOD takeover bid seeks to place the sanity risk wholly on Bag and Baggage shareholders."

As a result of such concerns, the Bag and Baggage board said it was seeking legal clarification. Shareholders have been advised to delay making a decision on the bid until the board has concluded discussions with the O'Connor Clarke Consortium (OCCC) and issued a formal recommendation. The Gary Turner-controlled MLOD launched a hostile takeover bid for the blawg late last week despite Bag and Baggage having the approximate overall assets and market significance of a slice of Danish Fontina.


Dress Greens

It's easy to forget how, in March, the hills of northern California are dusted with what a southern Californian might take for an obscure species of mold.

Green Hills

Big theatrical doings tonight, and the fun of meeting the Shugarts.


Plugging In

Dave Winer: "Lawyers and programmers working together. Power." Congratulations on the launch of the new Weblogs at Harvard hosting service!


iPod Update

1.2.6 update

Done at 10.5 hours, six days since last charge. That's more like it!