
Quite The Little Lawyer Family

Good morning, it's the crack of dawn, my husband left an hour ago to get ready for closing argument today in the case he's been trying, and I'm continuing to fine tune a Ninth Circuit brief due Friday. (For those of you who might be trial court litigators -- and for whom Friday thus feels like an occurrence due to hit around the same time as a manned mission to Mars -- realize that in the world of appellate law I feel like I'm filing this any second). With both sides of my marital unit in such high-test lawyer mode, you'd better pray we don't do anything rash this week like reproduce (uh, slim chance). There's no telling what sort of spawn that might loose on the world. "The Justice has a new weapon..."

(The brief I'm working on is for a party you've most likely heard of. I'll let you know once it's a matter of public record, if only so you can better appreciate how this project has a singular ability to snap me back to commando-caliber discipline every time my attention begins to drift in the slightest.)


Have you seen a Backson about anywhere in the Forest lately?





--C. R.


Sunday Snippets

Today's LA Times business section has an article on unanticipated invocations of the DMCA (Media Copyright Law Put to Unexpected Uses; reg. req.). The Berkeley DRM Conference gets going later this week with an impressive roster of speakers. (Look for bIPblog's Mary Hodder to blog this, according to Donna; hopefully Professors Lessig and Felten will have some thoughts too.) Finally, if the DVD CCA plans to petition the U.S. Supreme Court for certiorari regarding the Pavlovich decision (PDF), I believe its time within which to do so expires after tomorrow.


Pecking Order

So I guess this makes Rosie and Rocky the Special Forces. [via Ernie] (Probably flying over with this guy.) [via Rick]


Truth From A Friend, Part II

On blogging and its permutations: "So where we used to have the Sage on the Stage, we now have the Clod on the Blog?"

(See also Guide on the Side; Alison King, "From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side." College Teaching 41.1 (1993): 30-35.)

We have guests for the weekend -- can you tell?