
Dude, You're Getting A Criminal Possession Charge!

Aw, poor (PDF) Dell dude. [via FindLaw]


Firm News

Howard had this last week (but of course! his permalinks are on hold, but it was Friday at 4:04 p.m.), but I'm pleased also to note The Internet Marketing Attorney's annual review of law firm sites, and mention how proud we are at Reed Smith to have been included in the top ten. (Personally, I'm of the mind the firm should get extra points for showing Mr. Buchdahl "some good things about [our] competitors" -- think Nordstrom, among other things -- but we can have that discussion another day.) The Web site in its current form is "new" as of mid-December, and we're working to make it better and better...

I'm also very excited for my Northern California colleague Greg Beattie, who will head the firm's Venture and Technology Practice Group as described further here.



Finally downloaded Safari over the weekend. Liking it a bunch, especially its built in pop-up killer, intuitive and powerful bookmark wrangler, and the orange "snap back" arrow in both the main address and included Google search bars (these bring you right back to where you started a particular train of thought). One thing I'm missing from IE 5.2 for the Mac: the "Scrapbook" feature, that lets you easily (one-click easily) stash a copy of any Web page in the browser (and on your hard drive) for future reference. Scrapbook is a slick way of making sure key pages don't vanish on you.

Also gave the 'puters their iLife update. Not much I can add to the myriad reviews of the updated iApps, except to suppose it's just a matter of time before Apple breaks down and includes some sort of dimly lit, softly focused iDVD theme to cater to another reputedly popular use of home video equipment.

If you're like me and sprang for Office for your Mac to ensure compatibility with Windows-Office documents, you've got Entourage but may not be up to speed on all its features. Never fear, there's a free (you pay s&h) "beyond the basics" CD for Entourage available from Avondale Media. [via Macworld Audible News]

Finally, I'm determined to give the iBlog OS X blogging tool and news aggregator a whirl one of these days. Will keep you posted. [Id.]


"...and ultimately even burned onto a CD..."

Interesting take on Microsoft DRM strategies from Joe Wilcox at ZDNet. Among other things, it cites "[a] research paper [Word doc via Stanford's Applied Crypto Group] published last fall, reportedly by four Microsoft employees, conclud[ing] that DRM technology would likely fail because of consumer resistance to content protection and acceptance of file trading. The researchers concluded 'that a vendor will probably make more money by selling unprotected objects than protected objects.'"


Veggies With Velocity

Dave Barry rounds up some zucchini racing links. Knew this was going to be good.