

Clock these two, they're moving fast, and they're brewing projects that promise to inject a little nitrous into the proceedings. Lawpop?? Dude. Get over and register with Kevin.


Blawg Update Update

I seem to always learn about a few more blawgs just after an update. In real life, these must be the enviable folks who stroll across L.A. Marathon finish line just in time to collect a celebratory gimlet and slip between cool Viceroy sheets. Or so one imagines.

The Berlin Blog is the product of a friend and law partner of Bill Altrueter.

Law student Greg at Law Is Fun put up his first posts yesterday: "Hello. Welcome to my fun, exciting life. I have no idea what I'm doing, nor where to start, so this should be thoroughly entertaining. At least for some of you out there....." [via The Blawg Ring]

Professor Eric Muller at North Carolina beat Greg by a day, launching Is That Legal on January 20. [via Tom Mighell]


Wonderful Town

Still stuck on Chicago...Starting February 6, the ABA will begin hearings about the current status of women in the legal profession, in anticipation of a report to be released next year. More at this press release. See also The Support Economy.


Pings For The Masses

Thanks Jonas, this is too cool: Get yer Pings, On Route 66.
[Update] I'd ping ya, really I would, but just discovered my archives and permalinks have taken what I hope will be a very brief hiatus. Republished all over the place, no dice. Any other suggestions most welcome.


Imaginative Pastoral

Why license when you can incense? I'd give more context, but it's hard to write with tears threatening a keyboard short, and high decibel peals threatening a midnight visit from the local constabulary. Just be sure to click every damn link. (Example: "Watch Animated Shorts About Our Mission.")

***Hallelujah, Kent's blogging again.*** Brings whole new meaning to "thanks for all the fish." [Fishbase via Tom "Testosterone" Shugart. Fishrush via mysterious forces that modern science struggles to adequately identify and explain.]