

So cool to see that Yale's Jack Balkin has started a blog. [via Glenn Reynolds]


Horsetrading, Examined

Please see Donna's entry, here, for a comprehensive rundown of the much-discussed RIAA/tech industry - digital rights legislation agreement, which has now been Slashdotted.


Aidez Clone

Attorney Bernard Siegel in Florida has asked a court to appoint a guardian ad litem over the female child purportedly cloned by the Clonaid company, and served related subpenas. [via The Miami Herald, CNN] FindLaw has the guardianship petition (PDF).


Getting Some "T"

I wish I knew exactly why Cory Doctorow's tiki-themed posts, like this one, have the ability so consistently to paint a grin on my face. Whatever the nature/nurture trigger, it's part of why it's fun to live in southern California: you never know when your meanderings will serve up Roadside Peeks like these here, or when your commute will include a tip o' the straw to the House of Tiki.


Getting Meta

Bill Gratsch, also of the eGovLinks page and weblog, has started a blawg directory at Blawg.org. [via The Blawg Ring] This is pretty new (looks like its first batch of links were added on 12/31), and appears to have the flexibility to become an excellent resource. For now, I have some minor quibbles with the structure/taxonomy (e.g., it doesn't appear possible to search by URL?). It also would be neat to see the material presented non-categorically, such as a way of viewing the listings by "freshness"/recently updated, and by add date. (If you've been waiting for the "Blawg"-embazoned Classic Thong, I'm afraid the wait continues.) There are listings at Blawg.org and at the Blawg Ring that are new to me, so look for updates here soon.

The University of Waikato (New Zealand) Law Library also is rounding up legally oriented blogs on its Legal Weblogs page, and has kind, if questionable, taste in introductory quotations. More links here I hadn't seen yet; it's good to see the Blawg Patrol alive and well in the southern hemisphere!