
Coming To A Freeway Near You

I've been behind on checking into Larry Lessig's OSCON speech (about which he has more to say here), but it's been that kind of week. Imagine how pleased I was, then, to learn I could take Larry to go, via iPod! (MP3 available here or here, as well as various other flavors.) Won't be the first time I've caught up on my blogging in the car.

With the advent of iTunes 3.0 and iPod Software 1.2, and the new support for Audible, I've had about six seconds, tops, of bittersweet regret for the passing of the Audible Mobile Player that has been more or less attached to my person for the last 3 1/2 years. There's a new kid in town, and he's James Dean to the poor Mobile Player's Sal Mineo. (Guess that makes me Ms. Natalie; I'll take it!) The (10 Gig) 'Pod is unflaggingly flexible, still begging to be filled with stuff (with three solid days of material on there now, it's got miles to go), plays on the car and home stereo, and acts as a portable hard drive and PDA. Can't praise it enough.

Which reminds me, a friend is going on a PowerBook switching/buying spree tomorrow and wants help. Help! Sounds like a job for Will Power...

Before I sign off, apropos of nothing but a good read, go check out Davezilla's Worst Date Ever No. 9. Is she in legal, do you think?


Getting There...

MacReporter is a slick little news aggregator for OS X. I like that it stays out of your way and lets you navigate straight from the dock. $12 shareware. This and BlogHog make a great infogathering tag team.


Internal Intelligence

Bay Area Law Students: this one'll go quick!: "The Electronic Frontier Foundation seeks a blogging intern to assist with with writing and posting DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) blog entries. ..." [Via Blogroots]


"I'll Take Him In Platinum"

LifeGem, purveyors of synthetic diamonds made from the remains of your loved one, plans to offer a catalogue of tasteful settings. No doubt the print version is on its way toward your mailbox. Trouble is, this is not exactly an impulse buy (where's Hitchcock when you need him?). [Via MSNBC]


Did You Patent The Hyperlink?

Then you're in dwindling company, which, according to a New York district court, does not include British Telecom. More at c | net, InfoWorld, The Register, and Bloomberg (thanks, Will!).
--Decision (PDF) [Via ILN]