
Keep On Movin' Don't Stop

Dan Bricklin, Small Business Blogging: "[I]t will eventually be surprising when you don't use a blog." [Via Daypop Top 40]


Products, Negligence Claims Unavailable For "Desensitization" 

Meow Media, Inc. (of the Persian Kitty site) and others including the makers of the film "The Basketball Diaries," and of the video games "Doom" and "Mortal Kombat," won their case today before the Sixth Circuit, concerning whether they could bear civil liability for Michael Carneal's 1997 shooting spree in Kentucky. An old but good Frontline summary of civil suits arising from school shootings is here, and Howard Bashman has more concerning James v. Meow Media, Inc.


Pop Quiz

Winter in August is:

(a) A Seattle band that lost its drummer and recently broke up.

(b) A fact of life for antler-casting pampas deer.

(c) The second Mad Kane ditty on blogging. ("In the middle few can be a showman / While displayin' balance, wit, and clout. / Strong opinions rule the day in blogland. / Until some other bloggers knock 'em down.")

(d) All of the above. ;-]


Blawg Updates

Law student Yasmin ("Damn The Muse" -- spot the palindrome) [via The Blawg Ring] and Washington family law lawyer Ruth Edlund (oh my: "The Dark Goddess Of Replevin Speaks") [via Ruth].


"The strongest in the company's line of rodent-irritators..."

Could I make this up? This (the "Vibrasonic Molechaser") was in my Gold Box.