
Today's Hot Trailer

You can't wait for the second coming of Matrix. Have bled bandwidth to the Two Towers. Wish Nemesis were Next Week. Hanker for Harry Potter. But -- are you prepared for the blockbuster of them all? WEBLOG: The Movie (a wonderchicken joint).


"Dow-burt" Versus "Dough-bear", And Other Mysteries

For the lawyer types: Peter Nordberg is webmastering a useful and well thought out site all about litigation under Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., called Daubert On The Web. In addition to answering the great pronunciation question, Peter's signature graphic alone is worth the visit (a lawyer? trapped in a beaker), plus over 250 appellate decisions under Daubert (organized both by circuit and field of expertise), statistics and explanations regarding admissibility and exclusion affirmance rates, a user forum, and some slick "ideas . . . that the author wishes somebody else would try first." More like this, please!


Coffee, A Chili Dog, Or A TRO?

But why choose, when in sunny Southern California you can have it all? Legal Grind, with locations in Santa Monica, Tarzana and Inglewood, offers "coffee and counsel" for $25 a session, and an array of other basic legal services at a cost somewhat more suited to the café than the conference room.

If those prices still would force your latte out your nose (in a manner generally frowned upon in café society), head over to Law Dogs in Van Nuys, where lawyer/owner Kim Pearman and colleagues dispense hot dogs for $2 and legal advice for free each Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Should those leave your daily dose of "only in L.A." sightings unfulfilled, here's another: a helicopter has been chasing a Piper Cub across the skies outside my office, over Dodger Stadium, for the last twenty minutes. (Last fall we moved offices, and I traded "HOLLYWOOD" for "THINK BLUE.") This can mean one of two things: (1) someone's filming Swordfish II (uh, let's hope not), or (2) news-at-six slow speed chases have taken to the air...


Blawg Tuesday

  • Agent Hallstrom turns in Kevin Gregorius ("Who Cares What You Think?"). Kevin's last post was nearly a month ago (heavens forfend!), and Eric thinks he needs a little persuasion. Right up the Blawg Patrol's alley.
  • Agents Reynolds, Bashman and Svenson welcome Stuart Buck back to the Blawging Big House after a short-lived escape. As do I.
  • I finally got a chance to take in Frank Field's weblog ("FurdLog"), after reading his work filtered through Donna, and Frank joins our illustrious Academics.
  • Tuesday

    Nice Doing Blog With You

    Rick Klau rounds up some good links on Blogs And Business Value, including the excellent John Foley article from yesterday's Information Week, Are You Blogging Yet?.