
Smokin' Hot Links

These have the sizzle of an unbeatable platter of Sabatino's sausages:

1. Christopher Locke's interview on yesterday's Marketplace Morning Report. (Real Audio; fast forward to 7:20 - 10:40 of the 17:29 minute program.) After spending an afternoon with our guests at Disneyland, this rings too true. [Via Jeneane and Elaine; bonus link, same sources, George Partington's interview.] Is there any doubt the Sorting Hat puts RB in Slytherin? (Is there any doubt a six-year old is a mind altering substance on par with anything regulated by the FDA?)

Want to Get Sorted?

2. Halley Suitt's interview with Frank Paynter, which goes exceptionally well with the Friday afternoon salsa being played in the plaza outside. Arriba!


The Paynter And The Muse

Paynter Muse


New Site Time

Elaine's new digs are lovely! Go take a tour.


Copyfight/Donna Wentworth/Berkman News

Copyfight has a new co-sponsor, the Berkman Center, where Web Publications Editor Donna Wentworth (separated at birth from Laura Dern?) also writes and edits The Filter and is a GrepLaw author and Chilling Effects contributor. (Ahem.) In the current issue of The Filter, Donna and Berkman report among other things that Donna will be blogging live from the Berkman Center's Internet Law Program on July 1-5, and that the program will include "a debate between Lawrence Lessig and Jason Matusow of Microsoft Corporation on the merits of open source, shared source, and proprietary software." The program sounds terrific, but since I can't go I'll be checking in with Donna for the highlights.


You know you grew up in California when...

your schools always just said "indivisible."