
No Links, No Peace

Lots of potential Thread The Needle fodder in the NPR controversy. Marek has done the heavy lifting for the time being, as well as drafting a letter to NPR that shares greatness with Tom Matrullo's.


Leah, Legal Librarian

The University of Arizona's James E. Rogers College of Law has a Reference/Web Services Librarian, and she now has a blog: Leah's Law Library Weblog. Welcome to blogland, Leah, and thanks to Rick for spreading the gospel through his recent article. [Via Ernie The Attorney]


POPping Free

If both Hotmail and Yahoo are ending their free POP3 retrieval service (see PCWorld, via TVC Alert), do any free alternatives remain?


Legality; Law

Wired News reports NPR's response concerning its linking form and policy. In the article, NPR ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin talks about links from commercial versus noncommercial sites, and NPR's reluctance to "give support to advocacy groups." ["Public Protests NPR Link Policy," via GrepLaw; see Slashdot] What Dvorkin does not address is whether the policy isn't enforceable because linking isn't unlawful.

On this point, Wired's Farhad Manjoo references Central District of California Judge Harry Hupp's reasoning in March and August, 2000 orders from the Ticketmaster v. case. [Orders via GigaLaw] While the article says these orders dealt "linking policies" "a serious blow," that characterization overstates things because this language never made it into a published opinion. Thus, while the orders may be right, they're not law. It's not unusual for reporters to miss or downplay the distinction. What it means in the real world is if you cited the orders to NPR or anyone else with a similar linking policy, they could simply say "so what?" Linking cases need to be litigated to conclusion and tested on appeal in order for multi-jurisdictional precedent to develop. Informing your elected representatives of your views couldn't hurt either. (Unless you hate the idea of legislating the Internet. In which case we're back to the courts.)


"You say I'm so sage / Go check out my webpage..."

Apropos of links and threads, Mad Kane has penned a clever Blogger's Rhapsody.