
So Much For The Intergalactic Melting Pot

"It's an interesting point. Why are there no gay characters in Star Trek? Does Star Fleet Command have a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy?" Martin Sargent on Gay Star Trek, one of five unusual online petitions included on his Twisted List today for The Screen Savers.


What Macs Do When You're Not Looking

I swear this goes on the moment my back is turned. (Thanks to Andrew Raff for the link.)


"Unintended Consequences"

The EFF has a white paper out this month by attorney Fred von Lohmann ("Unintended Consequences, Three Years Under The DMCA") examining the impact of the DMCA and its anti-circumvention provisions. (The links to the EFF home page and the .pdf of the white paper are not working for me at the moment, but the Google html version is here.) Using real world examples of disputes arising under the DMCA, the report makes the case for how the legislation "chills free expression and scientific research," "jeapardizes fair use," and "impedes competition and innovation." It also observes,

"As an increasing number of copyright works are wrapped in technological protection measures, it is likely that the DMCA's anti-circumvention provisions will be applied in further unforeseen contexts, hindering the legitimate activities of innovators, researchers, the press, and the public at large."
Those who contemplate the banning of Magic Markers, or of writing about them - like Newsforge - emphasize just how unintended and absurd potential applications of the law could get. The white paper is a thoughtful round-up and analysis of DMCA cases, well worth the read. [Via]


Fine Distinctions, Fantastic Parody

Cory Doctorow elaborates on some of the thought processes behind the EFF's roaringly funny Flash video aimed at encouraging action about the CBDTPA, "Tinseltown Club." "[W]e actually had to go back to the drawing board once or twice and make this more like Disney's own song and iconography, otherwise, the parodical link wouldn't be clear enough," writes Cory. Oh, it's clear. I won't be able to hear those letters intoned again without Annette's voice sing-songing them in my head!
--Wednesday, via Scripting News and Philip Bump:


Now That's A Client

Scott Harris, incoming counsel to the Supreme Court. [Via]