
I'm With 'My Blog'

With all the blogging going on, deciding who gets a conference press pass must be getting tougher.
-Later, Doc:

"Aside: I got an email today from another conference where no visitors are granted permission to report on what's said there. They want me to sign an NDA before I even show up. Pretty self-limiting, no?"
Particularly given these things aren't cheap, yet thanks to the real-time coverage I bet O'Reilly's already hammered with registration requests for the next one.


Good Company

Proud to say my firm is committed to this. [via]


"The Tingler"

In the "looks awful, but must feel great" category.


Can anybody spare a week?

Which is about how much time I'd like to spend with all the links and concepts scrolling down Doc's blog today as he writes from eTech. Hoo-wee! Must come back to this.


Attack Of The...Car Bloggers; Shades Of Don Kirshner

In honor of today's cinematic festivities, more proof that micromarkets are alive and astoundingly well:

The R2-D2 Builder's Club (who needs ILM?), and Star Wars Chicks, where you can pick up a recipe for Kenobi Cutlets if you seem to have misplaced yours. [Via The Screen Savers]

Also, it seems that people are spending more than 500 million hours on average per week in their vehicles (my own commute artificially inflates the number), so look for cars to offer hands-free blogging any day now, and check out Dr. Will Fitzgerald's Digital Car Journal. (On hiatus? Say it ain't so.)
-[Later: "The wireless manufacturers will be the deliverers, and the automakers will be the enablers, based on the irrefutable view that the cell phone is king." Andrew Cole at Telematics Detroit 2002, via c | net]

Finally, a bout of uncharacteristic insomnia had me watching Carson Daly's late-night show on NBC (Last Call). Good music goes well with the wee hours, and Ben Harper makes that slide guitar wail.