
Twitter Notepad

I'm at Under the Radar today, and taking notes on Twitter instead of in my usual text editor. That way 1) I still have a place to jot down short thoughts to perhaps shape into a blog post later, 2) they'll actually get published (often I never get around to posting my notes), and 3) you can follow along in real time if you want. Wish I'd done this a few days ago for the VON policy summit.


Slides And Notes From VON Policy Talks

I spoke this morning on "Law That Works" as part of the policy program at Video on the Net. The slides are here. [Update] I just posted the notes from my presentation, too, over at Lawgarithms. ZDNet had at least 3 bloggers in attendance; you can see our aggregated posts here.

Colette Vogele spoke too, and her slides are here.

I neglected to mention that the automated tool I referenced that will generate a podcast speaker release or other click through is available as a WordPress plugin; more here.

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Happy Birthday To Me, I Got A New TWiL!!

Ah, what a good birthday gift: our latest TWiL, #4, with Marty Schwimmer, is out. Thanks Leo!



That's me and other VON '07ers, on Jeff Jarvis's PrezVid. (Hi, Dad.)


He's Still In Love

Amazingly enough, hubby and I actually got out to a concert last night at The Coach House, featuring good family friend Connie Rae (great accoustic blues singer; here's her MySpace page), Beyond 7 (they were terrific; here's their MySpace page) and Eddie Money (his MySpace page), who proved 1) we're all much older than we think we are, and 2) he's still got it (indeed, considerably more of it).

P.S. Your assignment: discuss the copyright and fair use considerations implicated by this clip.