
Speak To Me

Just updated my Speaker's Wiki page with some upcoming events.



Twittering more than blogging lately.

[Update:] Is there a business-sanctioned future for Twitter? Go vote at my ZDNet blog.


The California Lawyer On Women Lawyers: 'We Quit'

This month's cover story in the California Lawyer is right on: We're Outa Here: Why Women are Leaving Big Firms. Here's a quote in the piece from Joan C. Williams of the WorkLife Law Blog:

Younger women sometimes ask us baby boomers, 'Why did we inherit this work/life balance problem? Why didn't you solve it?' . . . And I say to them, 'Honey, you don't realize this: If we had rocked the boat, we'd be out on our ears so fast our heads would spin.'

And the article's bottom line: "If law firms want to get the best and brightest young women to join them and stay, they will likely need to change radically and adopt different definitions of sacrifice and partnership."

Will it happen? Certainly not everywhere.


Today's New Blawg (And Bonus Podcast)

I've been giving a bit of moral and practical support to Stuart Blake and his team at The General Counsel as they've readied and launched their new blawg. The General Counsel provides businesses with part time and full time general counsel services, and you can learn a whole lot more about why and when that might be a good fit by reading the aforementioned blog, and listening to Stuart's guest appearance on Lawyer2Lawyer (formerly Coast to Coast).


TWiL #3

Thanks to all who have been so patiently waiting for the next episode of this WEEK in LAW — it's UP! With Calacanis Cast/Not the Gillmor Gang host Jason Calacanis. In postproduction and next up: Ian Ballon (on social networks, music licensing, etc.) in #4, and Marty Schwimmer (on the iPhone trademark dispute) in #5. Thanks too to our regular panelists, and to Colette Vogele who joins us on #5.

Speaking of Colette: Go. Now! And check out the inaugural episode of her new show, Rules for the Revolution.