

Congratulations Ms. Howell, it's a bouncing baby RSS enclosure! The first episode of this WEEK in LAW, with Hank Barry, Cathy Kirkman, John Palfrey, and Ernie Svenson, is up. Voilà le feed.

Allow me to add my voice to the panicky masses in response to Leo's (I hope throwaway) comment tonight that TWiT's "on life support and the heart monitor is flatlining." (Why are all my favorite 'casts perpetually recording their "last show?") And to apologize for the audio glitches with TWiL #1, we recorded #2 last Friday and I think/hope we've got 'em ironed out.


Open Sesame, OpenID

I just claimed my Vox blog on Technorati through the magic of OpenID. As Johannes Ernst points out, if this is a toy, it's the lovable kind that quickly takes over the world.

<br/>Furby by Lotje

Photo by Lotte Klaver


Support Ho's

I haven't done it yet, but I think reading these two books in sequence would be a pretty good idea:


Blawg Review As Business Model

I really enjoyed Kevin Heller's original take on Blawg Review, and his newest effort, #79, just improves on a good thing. If this were available daily or weekly I'd read it as enthusiastically as I read Techmeme (which is: multiple times daily; feel free to quote me Kevin if you're fishing for advertisers, sponsors, and/or venture capital). But it's not, so get it while the gettin' is good.


Christmas In October??

I'm not sure who greased this already slippery slope with hot buttered eggnog, but...

It was bad enough I let Halloween in the door in mid-September.

This weekend, the Polar Express trains came out.

I meant to wait until after Thanksgiving. Honest. Our brave new no-TV world is to blame. Holidays, even unseasonably early ones, are a tantalizingly powerful distraction.