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The Bitches From Hell, Plus Two

Please give yourself time to explore the pleasures of the Web site of Denver law firm Powers Phillips, P.C. [Via Held In Contempt and Overlawyered] Pleasures? Law firm site? Have the psychotropic freeway pollutants compromised my senses once and for all, you ask? I kid you not - they're in Martindale and I pinched myself awake, to boot - and they kid you every which way. The disclaimer is pure hilarity. The Bitches From Hell Newsflash speaks for itself (and just needs a blog format). The attorney biographies, "listed inversely according to height," include "real stories" that give new meaning to the term "c.v." And there's more great stuff where this came from. I don't know if companies can have a voice, but this one's got bookings on Sunset.

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