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Gitalong, Li'l Blawgies

Life is good for the Blawg Patrol this summer. Within the last few weeks, Ernie has established his way-cool law blogs outline, and JCA has set up what is, to my knowledge, the first blawg webring (now up to 18 entries). This was all good news for the agents, who still are managing to squeeze in some investigatory work, but also are realizing the importance of fun in the great outdoors. Thus, after dragging home from the Azores, they all insisted on heading southwest for the Big Summer Blawg Roundup. Here's who they've recently roped:

  • Larry Lessig!! [Thanks, Doc]

  • Garrett Moritz, a Harvard law student with a penchant for handstands, Britney and Harry Potter, and the more than occasional rant. [Via The Volokh Conspiracy]

  • Drumroll please: Agent Altreuter bagged one of the BP's Ten Most Wanted: a blogging legal secretary, Joni Mueller. As added bonuses, Joni does appellate work and is partial to things red. Like Garrett, Joni's blog is part of a larger site ("2 Fools And A Modem"), with much to explore.

  • Broc Romanec blogs for R.R. Donnelly's RealCorporateLawyer.com, primarily about the SEC and securities issues. [Via Genie Tyburski's TVC Alert]

  • Brian Peterson hails from West Virginia and serves up legal news and commentary. He was corralled by Director Svenson, whose blawg-tying skills have earned many awards down on the Ranch.

  • Ernie's Outline also yields,
  • Alvin Borromeo, Carey Gage, Dilan Esper, Seth Farber, Michael Fox, Michael Lopez, Damian Penny, Michael Wade, law student Alice W. (very fun site) and "exlpoded" law librarian Morgan Wilson,

  • while the following blawgers are new to me from the Blawg Ring,
  • law students Anthony Santagati III (more here via Ernie) and J.M. Branum.
  • Phew, with that I'm bound for some grub, stargazin' and blawgy ballads...

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