Walls, Doors, Floors, Ceilings: Your Days Are Numbered

I must have warmed to David Giacalone's BloggerCon essay ("Jargon Builds Walls Not Bridges") because of the chaotic, construction-ravaged state of my home at the moment. We're all about ripping through walls, windows, floors, ceilings, peace, quiet... (Don't ever think you can undertake a "small" construction project. There is no such beast. Recently, I was game enough to suggest to some nice friends who want to throw me a shower in November, "Hey, we could do it at the house." Now I'm wondering: (1) whether the sounds of hammers, saws, and a vast array of power tools might actually be soothing to an infant, like a clothes dryer or car engine, and (2) whether any of our local hotels might cut me a special "maternity leave" rate come December.)
But as usual, I digress. Do you think terms like "blog" and "blawg" are cliquish and off-putting? I don't. If you have an opinion, go add it to the thread. (If you have carpentry skills, I'll see you at 8:00 a.m. sharp.)
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