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Today's New Blawg

A number of firey-eyed and feisty blawgers (all law students, if I'm not mistaken?) are now sitting En Banc. I really like the group blog format for law types. It's a little like the talk show format, but they get to take the discussion anywhere they want and the "cameras" are on all the time. It also lets them cover lots of material and bring diverse perspectives to bear, but as Greg Goelzhauser is quick to point out, "I'm not sure the 8 of us combined could be as productive as [Howard Bashman]."

In other blawgy news (and speaking of Howard):

Please don't let 20 Questions die!

[U]nless I receive a volunteer by Friday, October 31, 2003, there will be no December 2003 installment, and the January 2004 interview with Chief Judge Tacha of the Tenth Circuit will mark the end of the "20 questions for the appellate judge" feature.

To volunteer, a federal or state court appellate judge need merely send me an email by clicking here. Since this Web log was launched in May 2002, it has received more than 2.2 million visits, and regular readers include state and federal appellate and trial court judges from throughout the United States and the world, attorneys, law professors, law students, staffers who work in the White House and at the U.S. Senate, and plenty of others readers located in the United States and throughout the world. I don't believe there is any other outlet that will allow a federal or state appellate judge to communicate to this extent in his or her own words to such a sophisticated and diverse audience.

20 Questions is narrowcasting with a broad appeal (uh, no pun intended). There are so few opportunities for the public and the profession to learn more about the people comprising the appellate judiciary. Howard has done a fantastic job of giving these folks an accessible voice. Please spread the word, and help 20 Questions continue.

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