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Today's New Blawg

Greg Siskind writes the Visalaw Blog [via Rick Klau]:

I reminded Rick that I actually had set up a blog back in May 1998 before there was even a term "blog." In that year, we set up an "online diary" to keep readers apprised of legislative developments surrounding the H-1B cap. The page was extremely popular and in one day alone received more than 50,000 hits. If you're interested in seeing that page, go to the Wayback Machine and see our site as it looked in December 1998. The link is at http://web.archive.org/web/19980612151807/www.visalaw.com/h1b.html. According to Rick, our online diary would make us the very first law firm to use a blog.

We've decided to revive that online diary and this time use Google's Blogger software to get started. We hope that this service is useful and that readers will send us suggestions regularly on what to include on the page.

To the best of my knowledge this swells the ranks of blogs devoted to immigration law to two, with Randy Tunac's Manifest Border also covering related issues.

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