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Ravioli, With A Generous Side Of Justice

As always is the case with this annual event, The Italian American Lawyers Association dinner last night with the California Supreme Court was great fun. Some highlights:

  • Though it may be some time yet before anyone Stealth Discos a sitting member of a high court, it was a treat to join our table companion Justice Moreno for a phonecam shot. (That's me left front, trying hard not to do Justice Moreno lasting injury with my unborn child.)

  • Chief Justice Ron George took the opportunity to lay to rest once and for all the rumor that the reason none of the members of the Court ran for governor was their inability to garner support from 65 registered voters. It turns out the Justices are constitutionally prohibited from serving as governor during their term of office, even if they were to resign the post for the purpose. (Sounds like someone actually researched this, hmm?)

  • The recently released California plain-English jury instructions are in the public domain (although the "official publisher" is LexisNexis).

  • The Court periodically is hearing argument in locations other than San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, and broadcasting these sessions through an outreach program with local high schools. (Example: Fresno.)

  • A good tiramisu was had by all.

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