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Tick Tock

Tomorrow the baby is full term. While many folks sensibly get the nursery together some time in their second trimester, we seem to have skipped that step in order to finish up construction. The good news: there's now a room for BH and her/his necessaries. The bad news: it's a trifle on the spartan side...

The doctor now requires a weekly visit. And never before in 13 years of practice have I had to tie up sufficient loose ends to be out of the office for more than two weeks at a stretch (that was when I got married). All is thus a little daunting at the moment, but wonderful. Enormous thanks to all who have written to share hard won birthing and parenting wisdom, and just to express support and good wishes. It means the world to me.

Though next week will be my last in the office for awhile (I'm noticing how difficult it would be instead to say, "at work"), and there is much to get done there and on the home front, it's my plan to keep right on a-posting whenever time and connectivity permit. If things should go suddenly quiet here for a couple-few days—you'll know why!

And oh yeah—we're still completely out to lunch on 1) names, 2) whether BH is male or female, and 3) the requisite vitals: date and time of birth, and birth weight. Suggestions? Guesses? (As of last week, the doc thought the baby already was 5 ½ pounds, and they're supposed to gain ½ pound a week from this point.) My official due date is December 6. There's a B&B t-shirt in it for whoever is closest on 2 and 3, and I'll certainly come up with something (even) more glamorous for anyone who submits a name we actually use. (Fast forward five years: "Mommy, how'd you decide on my name?" "Well, Gnudist, ...")

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