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Today's New Blawg

Well, it certainly was no picnic selecting which of the 46 blawgs currently awaiting TNB status would fit the twin requirements for today's selection: i.e., not achingly dull, and not a waste of cyberspace. There are many worthy contenders, but the B&B staff (no less diligent for being fictitious) have been busy tabulating results and comparing notes, and have chosen to feature:

Mithras, of the Fables of the Reconstruction blog. [Via Jonas] Mithras is "your basic, harmless Philadelphia pervert with a law degree who likes to beat people and talk about politics. Kind of like Ben Franklin, except not an Ambassador and I don't look good in half glasses." Whether you find Mithras a waste of cyberspace may depend on your political leanings and language tolerance, but "dull" is not a word that jumps immediately to mind. Through Mithras, one can find Zombies and an Interview with the PATRIOT Act, and, really, what more could one need?

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