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I had fun last week meeting and doing an interview with Toni Guinyard of Los Angeles PBS station KCET. The segment is scheduled to air tomorrow on Life & Times at 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. PST:


What happens to your privacy when more and more cell phones are also cameras. Tony Guinyard explores the pros and cons of this new technology, and what you should be aware of.

A colleague was "kind" enough to point out that my television debut—not Bag and Baggage's of course; in all likelihood the unregenerate tangle of code will utterly upstage me—airs precisely opposite the third annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. C'mon—me, 8½ months pregnant, in a suit, or Karolina, not, and not (what is that thing, anyway??). Ahem. Well. There's always TiVo.

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