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Rosie Predictions for BLAWGISTAN

Sandra Rosenzweig writes what traditionally is my first stop in reviewing the California Lawyer magazine: the monthly round up of "Technicalities." Sandra's columns ("Rosie's Ramblings"), reviews and tips are invaluable to a modern law practice. Blawgs have been on Sandra's radar since at least last summer (see her August and October pieces), and this month she really goes to town on the subject:

I just heard someone predict, in public to a paying audience, that blogging is this year's killer app. That may be, oh, the 34th time I've heard that prognostication, and all I can say is, "This year's?" Where has this guy been for the last few years?
As Sandra explains, she has been trying different blogging tools and writing her own Rosie's Ramblings blog, where she's enjoying the flexibility a blog can provide a professional journalist: "[I]t's rather fun to fiddle with the design of my (mine, all mine) page and offer stuff that I'd never find room for in the hard copy of CALIFORNIA LAWYER." Her column this month highlights the powerful knowledge sharing aspects of this medium, and the convenience of having "your research, resources and collaborations" reside always at your fingertips, on the Web. Wait'll she hears about Blawgistan and the forthcoming BlawgCafe. Whoa, Rosie!

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