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Good Times Weekend

There have been so many tidbits, columns and big, whopping features that have captured my attention from this weekend's editions of the L.A. Times I thought I'd point 'em out.

  • The Points West column by Steve Lopez consistently is some of the best the paper has to offer. Today, it examines weather-independent atmospheric differences between L.A. and D.C.: "[I]t's quite tense here. Cabbies listen to NPR. That's how tense."
  • The weekend's L.A. Times Magazine is a special Silicon Valley Issue. Lots about Buck's and bucks, Five Reasons to Hope (interesting, but too narrow), an unreformed sock puppet and a mostly reformed hacker. (The tirading lawyer might be my favorite: "There were all these 20-year-olds all over the place, going on about 'eyeballs' and 'mindshare' and riding their stupid scooters back and forth to their offices, and I was simultaneously wanting to puke and jealous as hell.") There's also some propitious news for Dave, as the Times reports that "Boston comes closest to matching Silicon Valley in terms of its breadth of technology and ability to reinvent itself."
  • From today's Business section, an article on automotive manufacturers following in the footsteps of Dell.
  • From today's Travel section, an article about mistakenly low Web-advertised fares or rates. (Ouch—$850/night, over-water Bora Bora bungalows, listed for $85/night; people tried to book them for two months at a stretch.)
  • From yesterday's Business section, an article about the Navy and Marines sending troops to the Middle East with "a weapon of mass information: a high-definition digital camera" (to generate digital Movietone newsreels).
  • From yesterday's Business section, an article about a lawsuit over the "Survivor Yell" (see track 9). (See also the Yahoo yodel.)

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