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Angels And Oranges

File these under Southern California culture watch.

Not Your Mama's Yoga Class

The cover story and accompanying piece in today's Los Angeles Times Magazine examine the shift in the world of yoga from "5,000-year-old Hindu spiritual practice that attempts physical purification" to, as YogaFit® advertises on its YogaButt® video, "real yoga for real people." Pick your poison: WalMart, Target, or Marks & Spencer?

The Show We Love To Hate

Seeing as how I've derived immoderate pleasure from deciding which real world acquaintances best match the show's characters, it pains me to mention that The OC is on hiatus until October 30. Until then, I'm taking solace in The Pool House, the Official yet snarky, fun, and Blog*Spot hosted weblog [via Biz Stone], and Matt Coker's The OC Watch, from OC Weekly:

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