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Phish Repellant AND Blackberry Food

Like a skilled lover, Gmail keeps giving thoughtful gifts long after it has won your heart:

Google is currently testing a service designed to alert Gmail users to messages that appear to be phishing attacks. When the Gmail team becomes aware of such an attack, the details of these messages are used to automatically identify future suspected phishing attacks.

The result: when a Gmail user opens a suspected phishing message, Gmail displays a warning.

Gmail's phishing alerts operate automatically, much like spam filtering. Gmail's spam filters automatically divert messages that are suspected of being unwanted messages into 'Spam'. Similarly, Gmail's phishing alerts automatically display warnings with messages that are suspected of being phishing attacks so that users know to take care before providing any personal information.

No Phishing

You shouldn't have!

Slashdot has more on how/why this works.

As if that weren't enough, Gmail might now finally give me a reason to use my poor, dust-gathering Blackberry. [Via Dave Winer] I still won't confuse it with at Tablet PC though!

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