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Stealth Post—Conferential

Don't tell my family I'm blogging, we're on vacation and I'll never hear the end of it (what did they think I toted the PowerBook here for, chess?) With hotel WiFi and a sleeping baby I scarcely have a choice, but will keep this short and sweet.

I got a note from Renee Blodgett that her blog is up and packed with great coverage from BloggerCon and PopTech. I hope Renee has met fellow flack Michael, if not, there's a virtual intro for ya. Lots of interesting items for the blawgosphere from links off Renee's page:

The blog for the latter links to BuzzMachine coverage of the AdTech blogging panel, "How To Play With Fire Without Getting Burned." Quoth Jeff: "At sessions such as this, the first question from nervous corporate types is, 'What do the lawyers say?'" Well, BlogBusinessSummit is taking proposals for speakers and "strong" panels. One or a few blawgers should get up there and tell them.

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