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Entertaining, Educational, Erudite — and Half Off!

Ok, this is pretty cool. Greg Hittelman, director of Willful Infringement (as well as former valet parker, fruit picker, golf caddy, and private bartender for Frank effing Sinatra, per his IMDB bio — I can't wait to meet this guy) saw my recent post about his company Fiat Lucre and its MCLE program screening in L.A. next Wednesday, December 8: "Fair Use in the Digital Age." He got in touch by email to offer some discounted tickets. This is great, because now I'm bringing a colleague from the firm who wanted to go and originally sent me the promo for the program, but until now had bowed out in light of the cost. Better still, Greg has also offered two half-off tickets to Bag and Baggage readers. If you're a SoCal digital copyright groupie and would like to attend at the half-off price of $75.00, please send me an email or leave a comment. First come, first served. The details for the program next Wednesday are as follows:

12:15 - 1:45pm at Laemmle's Grande Theatre, downtown L.A. (map: 349 S. Figueroa). 1.5 hours of MCLE credit. Regular price = $150.

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