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Just got back from Fiat Lucre's "Fair Use in the Digital Age," featuring "Willful Infringement," a very worthwhile way to help meet that MCLE requirement. The program screens tomorrow in Santa Clara and next week in Philadelphia, so keep an eye out for it. Here's a clip. You can also do an online screening. Per its producer Jed Horowitz, Willful Infringement itself is Creative Commons licensed, a nice touch. Some highlights:

  • It's worth the price of admission to see the bit where the FBI communications officer disavows any FBI association with the ubiquitous warning preamble on DVDs and video cassettes. (As opposed to additional packaging labels apparently approved earlier this year.)

  • The clown couple steal the show.

  • Siva Vaidhyanathan gives the clown couple a run for their money.

  • In a series of back and forth edits covering the genesis of copyright law, there's a nifty when-worlds-collide juxtaposition in the F.3ds piled behind Professor Jaszi (which also make a guest appearance in the photo at that link), and the back issues of Wired piled behind Fred von Lohmann.

"Fair Use in the Digital Age" gets the B&B seal of approval (which may just be especially compelling if your last name begins with N-Z).

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